Call us at 413.736.8567
The primary mision of St. Peter's is to worship God in the fullness of the liturgical and sacramental pattern ofthe Anglo-Catholic Tradition. Stemming from that, as a multi-racial and multi-cultural congregation, we seek to embody and witness to our belief in the digniity of all human beings. In the Name of God, we are called to be a caring community of sisters and brothers in Christ, reaching out to all, witnessing to and teaching the Catholic faith as held in the Anglican Communion and serving the creation in God's Holy Name.
Sunday 9:00 AM RITE II
Friday 12:00 noon Healing Service
St. Peter's lives in the freedom of individual expression that the Episopal Church allows its parishes. As Episcopalians we unite the Protestant gifts of Biblical Truths with the historic gifts of Apostolic Traditions. What we do and who we are as Christians express the reality that Christ is among us. We place a high value on the sacrame
St. Peter's lives in the freedom of individual expression that the Episopal Church allows its parishes. As Episcopalians we unite the Protestant gifts of Biblical Truths with the historic gifts of Apostolic Traditions. What we do and who we are as Christians express the reality that Christ is among us. We place a high value on the sacraments and rituals of the church because they are signs that Jesus is present among us.
We express the values Episcopalians hold in common. The Expression of our faith through our church communities with loving action into the world, the respect for all people and creation because of our common creator God.
The rector at St. Peter's is the Rev. Michael DeVine, who is actually serving as Interim Rector, the person who is assisting the parish in the transistion time between longer term pastors. Fr. DeVine is recently retired from Christ Church Cathedral in Springfield and has served urban parishes for 37 years, mostly in Hispanic Ministry. Fr
The rector at St. Peter's is the Rev. Michael DeVine, who is actually serving as Interim Rector, the person who is assisting the parish in the transistion time between longer term pastors. Fr. DeVine is recently retired from Christ Church Cathedral in Springfield and has served urban parishes for 37 years, mostly in Hispanic Ministry. Fr. Devine lives in Springfield with his wife, Mariana Bauman, and can be reached via email, Please feel free to contact him. He will be happy to hear from you.